Pflotsh weather apps value honesty and diligence. That's why they focus on weather maps, not on simplified forecasts.
Weather data visualized and animated on a map is the best way for assessing and surveying meteorological phenomena – from a large-scale overview to precise weather information for a specific place.
Meteorologists from Kachelmann GmbH and software developers from Garzotto GmbH present a collection of quality weather apps for iPhone/iPad and Android.
Pflotsh is a Swiss German word for slush.
The ideal team for Central Europe:
Pflotsh ECMWF is our pro app: With a subscription, all other Pflotsh apps are unlocked.
Report your weather observation for the current time at your location.
See all weather observations in near real time and in the archive.
30.06.2020: Tages Anzeiger: "Fünf Wetter-Apps im Test"
20.07.2022: "Pflotsh Storm: Regen- und Unwetterradar für iPhone und Apple Watch."
08.02.2020: Pflotsh - die beste Wettervorhersage für iOS?
07.02.2020: Macwelt: Pflotsh: Beste Wettervorhersage für iOS – dem Orkan trotzen
07.01.2020: Clickomania Blog: "Möge der Pflotsch (nicht) mit uns sein"
06.01.2020: "Pflotsh: Die Wetter-Apps von Kachelmann für Android."
05.01.2020: "Wetter-App von Kachelmann: Auf diese Apps schwört der Wetterexperte."
04.07.2019: "Diese Wetter-App greift die grossen Player an."
22.06.2019: inside digital: "Das sind die besten Wetter-Apps."
24.05.2019: "Plotsh: Schweizer Wetter-Apps mit präzisen Daten."
23.05.2019: "Ganz spezielle Wetter-Apps: Siebte Pflotsh-App veröffentlicht."
29.01.2019: Macwelt: "Pflotsh hat die wohl besten Daten und Interpretationen."
In order to cover the cost for the data and the further development of the app there is yearly amount to be paid via subscription. The first month is free and you can cancel the subscription without being charged during the first month of use. Buying a Pflotsh ECMWF subscription also unlocks to all other Pflotsh apps, if they are installed on the same device.
Take a look at the subscription information.